There is no better feeling than walking away from your desk in the evening with a sense of deep satisfaction for a job well done.
In fact, an entire crappy and unproductive day can end strong with just 15 hyper-productive minutes. Here are five ways to help you do just that:
1. Empty your inbox.清空收件箱。
Productivity experts will tell you that keeping your inbox empty makes you dramatically more effective. You will find that an empty inbox late in the day will give you a strong sense of accomplishment and order in your life. If you want an empty inbox, it means everything is in a designated spot: either in the trash, in my calendar, or forwarded to someone else.
2. Determine what will make tomorrow special.确定什么才会让明天更特别。
Plan out at the end of the day what will make tomorrow truly significant. What one accomplishment will make the entire day worthwhile?
3. Eat a frog."吃青蛙"。
Mark Twain suggested that if you eat a live frog first thing in the morning, nothing else throughout your day could possibly be so bad. I agree, but the advice also holds true for the last thing you do before you go home.
If you leave a nagging and undesirable task until the next day, you will walk away from your desk with a dark cloud hanging over you and a sense of dread. On the other hand, handle the task before you leave, (get it out of your life) and you will walk away with a feeling of freedom and victory!
4. Do something nice for someone else.与人为善。
The key here is intentionality. Plan to end your day by doing something specific and beneficial for someone in your life -- a coworker, friend, family member, client, etc. It is impossible to do something nice for someone without feeling better yourself.
5. Say thank you.道谢。
Take a moment before you shut things down for the day to thank God for your very life. Regardless of what else has happened in a day, ending it with thanks is a rewarding approach. When you go big picture with gratitude, you get a new perspective on the grievances of any given day.