英文求职信 篇1Poorly written cover letters are like letters without stamps – they won’t get you anywhere.糟糕的求职信就像没有邮票的信件——它们无法达到你的目的。
While there are no hard and fast rules about how to write cover letters there do are standard and generally accepted practices to write a notable cover letter.虽然写求职信没有要严格遵守的规则,但一封拿得出手的求职信还是有些标准和套路的'。
Firstly, it is important to remember that a cover letter is not a job application. It is short note that accompanies your resume or portfolio and should include:首先,要记住求职信不是职位申请书,只是一篇和简历 ……此处隐藏2073个字……iance with state/local regulations pertaining to holidays,vacations,etc。
1984-1987 Central Personnel Officer
Coordinated statewide reclassification study;organized questionnaires,individual interviews and desk audits。Evaluated/analyzed study data;rewrote job descriptions;prepared study package for legislative approval。Established related managerial files。Dealt with diverse personnel-related projects。
Milligan College,TN
Course work in Personnel Management and Human Resources,1990-Present
Tennessee Weslevan College,Nashville,TN
Action verbs give job descriptions punch。
Continuing education indicates candidate‘s ongoing commitment to his/her career。